An FAA Experience: Integrating Evidence-Based Practices for Risk Informed Decision-Making – 2022

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A recent FAA initiative spanning 14 months, involved a change management effort to build a three-year organizational strategy while applying evidence-based management practices in alignment with the Federal Data Strategy and the Evidence Act. Increasing the rigor behind data collection and analysis cannot be left to the “research arm” of the organization. Risk data, risk information and risk knowledge are not synonymous concepts yet are often used as such. Informed executive decision-making means sorting through the evidence derived from the four primary sources to moderate strategic conversations and prioritize measurable activities. The result can be improved organizational outcomes in service to the American public. This presentation will cover the framework of the approach and those lessons learned offering value to federal colleagues and their ERM efforts. A White Paper is available, titled Improving Strategic Outcomes with Evidence-Based Management: An FAA Experience.