Federal Sector

This Federal Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Maturity Model was developed by OMB and a pilot group of federal agencies and is included in the latest edition of the ERM Playbook.


The Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget issued this memo for the heads of executive departments and agencies that emphasizes Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Controls.


The OIG’s Top Unimplemented Recommendations: Solutions To Reduce Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in HHS Programs is an annual publication of the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General. In this edition, they focus on the top 25 unimplemented recommendations that, in OIG’s view, would most positively affect HHS programs in terms of cost (more…)


This Checklist was discussed during the 2022 ERM Summit Session: ERM Audit Ready. The purpose of this exercise is to analyze the agency’s ERM capabilities as they relate to the CIGIE Inspectors General Guide to Assessing Enterprise Risk Management to more thoroughly assess capabilities and identify areas of focus for future development. Accomplishments and assessments (more…)


This tool was discussed during the 2022 ERM Summit Session: ERM Audit Ready. The purpose of PART is to foster discussion about programs and/or processes subject to audit and identify opportunities for improvement before an audit begins. The use of the PART can assist management in fulfilling its responsibility for monitoring their internal controls and (more…)


The RIMS Strategic and Enterprise Risk Center presents: 2022 Melissa Reynard Director of ERM at the Internal Revenue Service In November 2021, RIMS presented the Internal Revenue Service with the society’s 2021 ERM Global Award of Distinction. The IRS was honored for its progress in anticipating emerging risks, the steps it took to create a (more…)


This document is intended to assist agencies with successfully implementing the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act), and complying with OMB Memorandum M-18-16, which calls for agencies to establish data quality plans (DQP) effective in FY 2019. This Playbook was developed by an inter-agency, inter-disciplinary working group (initially launched by the CFOC in 2017) to improve DATA Act implementation and support the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goal Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset. The Playbook reflects the collective contributions of the Federal financial assistance, acquisitions and financial management communities. The working group collaborated with key representatives of OMB, Treasury, and the Inspectors General community throughout the development of this Playbook.


Co-sponsored with Guidehouse, the survey captures feedback from Federal risk management practitioners through their responses to the questionnaire.


Co-sponsored with Guidehouse, the survey captures feedback from Federal risk management practitioners through their responses to the questionnaire.


Co-sponsored with Guidehouse, the survey captures feedback from Federal risk management practitioners through their responses to the questionnaire.