Demonstrating Aperitisoft™ Versatility Virtual Demo – 2021

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Gary Bierc, rPM3 Solutions
Ken Fletcher, Kestrel Hawk Consulting

This software demonstration/tour will highlight one of the hallmarks of rPM3 Solutions’ Aperitisoft™ software – its versatility. Using inherent features and easy user configuration, the software can support a wide range of different assessment applications. Clients are currently using Aperitisoft™ to assess information security posture (NIST & ISO 27001), environmental risk assessments (ISO 14000), project risk assessments, credit risk assessments, compliance assessments, and others. The software can also support third party risk assessments, health and safety assessments and risk-based selection of program / functional area audits.

During this session, Gary Bierc and Ken Fletcher demonstrate the versatility of the system configured to conduct a simple operational programs assessment using a set of basic criteria and automated assessment scoring.