AFERM ERM Public Sector Survey 2015 Results

We are pleased to provide the attached results of the first annual AFERM ERM Survey.  Nearly 30 practitioners from the Federal Government participated in the Survey.  Co-sponsored with PwC, the survey captures feedback from Federal risk management practitioners through their responses to the questionnaire and a number of in-person interviews.

Some key takeaways from the Survey include the following:

  • Effective risk management is a necessity and ERM is widely recognized as a growing best practice in the Federal Government
  • The amount of resources deployed in support of ERM will increase in both the near-term and the foreseeable future
  • Successful implementation and maturation of an ERM program in the Federal space requires the support and commitment of Agency leadership

Thank you to PwC for helping lead the ERM Survey!

AFERM Communications Committee


Tom Stanton’s Interview of Nancy Potok, COO at the Census Bureau

Nancy Potok, PhD has been Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Census Bureau since August 2012. Before that she served as Deputy Undersecretary for Economic Affairs at the Department of Commerce where she was part of a small group that decided to implement risk management at the department and at Census in particular.

Enterprise Risk Management at PBGC – September 10, 2015

Consistent with the Office of Inspector General’s responsibility to provide leadership to promote efficiency and effectiveness, this white paper is intended to provide the Board of Directors and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation senior leadership with insight on Enterprise Risk Management as PBGC moves forward with implementation of its statutory and soon to be Office of Management and Budget mandate regarding ERM