Communicating the Value of ERM, Culture and Governance: The Positive Impacts of ERM on Morale and How to Achieve Sustainable Motivation – 2018

In this 2018 Summit presentation… Over the past decade, the ERM community of practice has been making great strides in implementing ERM in the Federal government. As we sustain and improve upon these ERM programs, we can’t lose sight of the importance of motivation. We need to continue to motivate our risk management practitioners as well as our stakeholders. Hear from government leaders on the attitudes, behaviors, tone at the top and corporate values they use in managing risk and how they communicate the value of ERM, culture and governance to motivate their workforce to continue to implement and improve upon their ERM practices.
Speakers: Jennifer Hills, King County, Washington; Carissa Riddle, HUD

Extended Enterprise Risk Management and the Public Sector – 2018

In this 2018 Summit presentation… Extended enterprise risk management (EERM) is the practice of anticipating and managing exposures associated with third parties across the organization’s full range of operations as well as optimizing the value delivered by the third-party ecosystem. What does third-party risk look like? While one often thinks of data breaches involving IT providers, the tentacles of third-party risk extend into the farthest corners of the extended enterprise ecosystem. Speakers: Jonathan Swanson, Aetna; Jason Leecost, HUD, Ginnie Mae

The Resilient Leader’s Strategies for ERM Success – 2018

In this 2018 Summit presentation… What key milestones make an ERM Implementation Strategy work? In this session, participants learned some of the not-so-conventional methods that has and can be used by resiliency in leadership to ensure the staying power of ERM practices in agencies.  Methods used over the past seven years were shared to shed light on the opportunities and challenges associated with program implementation.  The session discussed methods that address the deliverables in the revised A-123 policy (i.e. risk profile, governance, and integration of ERM and Internal Control) from the Department of Commerce perspective. Speaker: Karen Hardy, DOC

Innovative Strategies to Address High Risks in the Public Sector: Over-Prescription of Opioids in Government Worker Programs – 2018

During the 1-hour 2018 Summit session the speakers discussed the following:

  • Using data analytics to identify and mitigate risks associated with the over-prescription of opioids.
  • Integrating best practices at the federal, state and local levels and forging partnerships to help address opioid abuse
  • Leveraging lessons learned from opioid abuse to mitigate risks before they become a crisis
Speakers: Scott Dahl, Inspector General, DOL; Joseph Paduda, President, CompPharma