Risk Management in the AI Era: Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges of AI Tools in the Public Sector

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved into the mainstream of businesses and government.

Business leaders are rushing to take advantages of the benefits that can be brought to a wide array of industries to help increase productivity. Government leaders are also moving forward, but with appropriate caution. When considering the use and application of AI related technologies, government leaders weigh different factors than their private sector counterparts. Whether it is deploying self-driving electric trolleys in a city or retrofitting city streetlights with sensors to make them “smarter,” these leaders must address issues of accountability, transparency, ethics, equity, common good, effectiveness, efficiency, managerial capacity, and political legitimacy.

The report authors put forth a threefold strategy to assist government leaders and public managers with how best to approach using AI, which includes:

  • reviews of prior federal government studies on the use and application of AI. These reports reflect a number of important issues for agencies and stakeholders to consider as they begin incorporating AI; the studies also highlight the government’s broad risk management approach to AI
  • a risk management framework for when and how government can and should consider using AI tools, how to use these tools, and which organizational tasks and decisions may benefit from the use of AI
  • case studies of two innovative uses of AI tools to help manage risks from local governments: the City of Syracuse, New York, and the City of Bryan, Texas.

The authors close with a list of practical guidelines for government action in using AI tools to improve the overall quality of governance, while incorporating similar tools into their overall risk management strategy.

Leveraging Technology to Enhance Your Agency’s ERM Capabilities – 2018

In this 2018 Summit presentation… Technology cannot provide an out of the box ERM program, but it can definitely facilitate the process. This session discussed how using technology can jump start your ERM program capabilities, and how these platforms are creating innovative solutions to challenges your ERM program may face through maturity such as risk identification, collection, collaboration, and prioritization.

Speakers: W. Curtis McNeil, AOC; LaTaiga Proctor, Census Bureau

Extended Enterprise Risk Management and the Public Sector – 2018

In this 2018 Summit presentation… Extended enterprise risk management (EERM) is the practice of anticipating and managing exposures associated with third parties across the organization’s full range of operations as well as optimizing the value delivered by the third-party ecosystem. What does third-party risk look like? While one often thinks of data breaches involving IT providers, the tentacles of third-party risk extend into the farthest corners of the extended enterprise ecosystem. Speakers: Jonathan Swanson, Aetna; Jason Leecost, HUD, Ginnie Mae

Innovative Strategies to Address High Risks in the Public Sector: Over-Prescription of Opioids in Government Worker Programs – 2018

During the 1-hour 2018 Summit session the speakers discussed the following:

  • Using data analytics to identify and mitigate risks associated with the over-prescription of opioids.
  • Integrating best practices at the federal, state and local levels and forging partnerships to help address opioid abuse
  • Leveraging lessons learned from opioid abuse to mitigate risks before they become a crisis
Speakers: Scott Dahl, Inspector General, DOL; Joseph Paduda, President, CompPharma

ERM: A Private Sector View — Members Only

On January 24th, 2018, AFERM hosted a networking event for AFERM members. The event included a presentation by Nandini Kini, Senior Director for ERM at Capital One. Nandini presented on how ERM is evolving in the private sector and shared some ERM leading practices and lessons learned from the private sector as well.
This presentation is only available for AFERM members to download.
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Why ‘complete ERM’ is a myth

A CGMA Magazine article by Neil Amato. Risk oversight has grown in importance among all types of organisations this decade, but some of the gains can be attributed to public companies responding to US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules related to risk disclosures…

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COSO Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework Update

The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) has unveiled an update to its Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework and is seeking public comment of the proposal, from June 15 through Sept. 30. The update, Enterprise Risk Management — Aligning Risk with Strategy and Performance, is designed to address the needs of all organizations to improve their approach to managing new and existing risks as a way to help create, preserve, sustain, and realize value.

Link to COSO site: http://www.coso.org/ermupdate.html.