Integrate ERM to Mission – 2022

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ERM requires an understanding of the company’s strategic goals and objectives to identify the risks that might derail their achievement. It is often hard to justify the time and expense of measuring something that is not easy to measure. Demonstrating or proving how a goal was met because something didn’t happen or wasn’t strongly experienced is a challenge. This session  discusses ways to present success stories and best practices for championing your ERM program to senior leadership as a part of the Agency’s overall strategy.

Departmental Front End Risk Assessment FERA Policy at HUD – 2022

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The HUD panel discusses the Department’s FERA policy. The FERA policy is a key tool used by HUD to buttress its risk responsibilities. This policy was developed to align with the authorities prescribed by OMB Circular A-123 , the GAO Green Book , Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA) , the Fraud Reduction and Data Analytics Act of 2015 , and the GAO Fraud Risk Framework . to identify, understand, prioritize, and treat programmatic risks with the potential of having the greatest level of adverse impact on a program’s ability to meet mission goals and objectives, operations, and reputation. More specifically, the FERA policy was created to facilitate the identification of risks associated with launching or substantially revising a HUD program. As such, this policy is aligned HUD’s ERM framework, which can be mapped back to the 17 principles of GAO’s Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, including Principle 8, which specifically addresses fraud risks.

An FAA Experience: Integrating Evidence-Based Practices for Risk Informed Decision-Making – 2022

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A recent FAA initiative spanning 14 months, involved a change management effort to build a three-year organizational strategy while applying evidence-based management practices in alignment with the Federal Data Strategy and the Evidence Act. Increasing the rigor behind data collection and analysis cannot be left to the “research arm” of the organization. Risk data, risk information and risk knowledge are not synonymous concepts yet are often used as such. Informed executive decision-making means sorting through the evidence derived from the four primary sources to moderate strategic conversations and prioritize measurable activities. The result can be improved organizational outcomes in service to the American public. This presentation will cover the framework of the approach and those lessons learned offering value to federal colleagues and their ERM efforts. A White Paper is available, titled Improving Strategic Outcomes with Evidence-Based Management: An FAA Experience.

ERM as a Driver of Impactful Public Service – 2022

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Stephen Skardon, City of Chicago
Ashley Zink, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Office of the Budget

Ashley Zink, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Chief Risk Officer and Special Assistant to the Chief Accounting Officer, and Stephen Skardon, the City of Chicago’s Chief Risk Officer, will provide observations on risk management as embedded in successfully addressing key pillars of their mission such as accountability, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion, efficient budgeting, equity, government integrity and ethics, transformation, and transparency.

Leveraging Technology in Support of Risk Management – 2022

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NS Rao, Workiva
John Skober, US Navy Southwest Regional Maintenance Center
Danielle Bradley, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command

This session will presents 3 experts that have hands-on experience implementing technology solutions in support of their risk management objectives. The dialogue will be presented in the form of questions from the moderator and answers from the panel experts. The questions and answers will touch on all three Summit tracks with a primary focus on Delivering Value to Decisionmakers through technology.

Presidents Panel – 2022

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Daniella Datskovska, Amazon Web Services

The Presidents Panel discusses the evolution of Federal ERM, the differences between implementation of ERM in the Federal Space and Commercial Space and resulting lessons learned and best practices, and the future of ERM including the relationship between federal agencies and GAO, OMB, etc.

Are You Audit Ready? Preparing Your ERM Program for an IG Audit – 2022

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Melissa Reynard, IRS
Jackie Greening, IRS
Heather Hill, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration

Inevitably, agency ERM offices will receive a knock on the door and find that the IG or GAO has arrived to initiate an audit of the ERM program. To avoid being caught unprepared for the eventual audit, there are steps ERM teams can take to become “audit-ready.” In this session, we’ll share several tools, techniques and actions that can be deployed by ERM teams to assess a program’s overall level of audit readiness, identify gaps, and pinpoint opportunities for shoring up your preparedness now. Topics to be covered include: Using a Pre-Audit Readiness Assessment Tool (PART), Considering the CIGIE ERM Practitioner’s Guide for IGs, Leveraging Maturity/Capability Models, Proactively Communicating/Engaging with the IG, and more.

Podcast: How the Federal Government Thinks about Risk with Marianne Roth

Marianne Roth is the Chief Risk Officer at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and she is also the President of the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM). In this episode, she explains how the government thinks and assesses risk on a national scale and how young professionals can get their foot in the door to make a difference within the government.
Key Takeaways:
  • A little bit about Marianna and her work at CFPB.
  • How did Marianne discover risk management?
  • As someone who once worked for TSA, Marianne has some wild stories!
  • Someone once tried to sneak an alligator onto a plane.
  • How does the government think about risk?
  • Marianne shares how the TSA thought about risk and modified their security operations to better serve the people.
  • What does it take to be a good risk manager at TSA?
  • How does Marianne think about community and expanding her professional network?
  • Marianne explains how you navigate different political parties and leadership objectives in her industry every 4 years.
  • Marianne explains some of the strategies she’s incorporating to attract new talent.
  • What’s next for Marianne?
  • What advice would Marianne give her younger self?
  • How is the federal government thinking about diversity and inclusion when it comes to the risk management space?
  • Mentioned in This Episode: Marianne on LinkedIn
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