Integrating ERM and Budget Formulation – 2021

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Speakers: Tanim Awwal, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Emily M. Kornegay, HUD
Jonathan Lash, HUD
Sarah (SJ) Lynch, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Jen Wade, FDA
Moderator: Liz Ryan, Export-Import Bank

The FDA and HUD panelists will provide strategies and tactics that support risk-informed decision-making. Both agencies’ speakers will describe changes they have made to their FY 2023 Budget processes to better communicate on and manage enterprise risks. These include both tools and templates as well as ideas on relationships to make sure to foster.

Aligning ESG and ERM to Support Strategy & Mission – 2021

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Speakers: Jana Utter,  Centene Corporation
Moderator: Cynthia Vitters, Deloitte & Touche LLP

Integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues is a critical step to understand and manage an organization’s full risk exposure. ESG captures critical issues that naturally align with risk – environmental concerns, such as climate impact, social issues such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, and governance, such as stewardship or sustainability.

Global Perspectives of Enterprise Risk Management in a Changing World – 2021

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Speakers: Mark Ripley, UK Government Finance Function
Linda Irvine, Risk Management Branch, Province of British Columbia
Moderator: Tom Brandt, IRS

While ERM adoption within the U.S. federal government is still in its relatively early stages following the 2016 issuance of OMB Circular A-123, many other governments world-wide have been at the practice of ERM for much longer. Through this session, participants will have the opportunity to hear from the leaders of long-standing ERM initiatives in the United Kingdom and the Canadian Province of British Columbia that are considered as best-in class examples of government-wide ERM program. They’ll share lessons learned from their experience in keeping ERM relevant during periods of change, including insights into the key skill sets of effective risk leaders along with methods for leveraging ERM to help the broader government during periods of crisis.

Day 2 Opening Remarks and GAO’S High Risk List and Implications to Agency Erm Programs – 2021

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Speaker: Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Moderator: Nicole Puri, President, AFERM

Gene Dodaro will provide an overview of the GAO High Risk List including recent changes and describe how ERM can help agencies with high risk issues.

Learning objectives: 

  • Provide an overview of the GAO High Risk List including recent changes.
  • Describe how ERM can help agencies with high risk issues.

Key Issues in the New and Frightening World of Systemic Risk – 2021

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Speaker: Bob Zukis, Digital Directors Network
Moderator: Marianne Roth, CFPB

Systemic risks are all around us – we’re all still living through the cascading systemic failures of COVID. Recent systemic failures like Texas Energy, SolarWinds, and the Microsoft Exchange hack demonstrate how global connectivity and new technology innovations are introducing new systemic risks at a level and of types never seen before.  But few leaders fully understand systemic risks or know how to mitigate them. This plenary session will explore how one point of failure in a complex system can threaten the entire system and how new threats evolve and can emerge over time.

U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Strategic Plan

OGE is pleased to present its Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2022 through 2026. The Plan reflects OGE’s ongoing commitment to its important mission of preventing conflicts of interest in the executive branch. The Plan recognizes that consistency, accountability, leadership, and transparency are vital to the success of that mission. The Plan highlights OGE’s ongoing commitment to make ethics documents publicly available and a new commitment to reach a broader array of stakeholders to raise awareness of the systems and processes in place to detect and resolve conflicts of interest. OGE will use the Plan to determine its future work, set priorities, and measure success.
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How Technology Helps the Federal Government Improve Risk Transparency and Risk Response – 2020

Speakers: Alyssa Smiley, Acting Director for the Risk Management and Assurance Division, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Navy
Atisha Burks, Senior Accounting and Finance Leader, Department of Navy
Alice Miller, Chief Risk Officer, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

Moderator: Alyssa Fusisi, Kearney & Company

Session Presentation


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This recording includes Sessions A-3, B-2 and C-2.