Risk University 2.0 — Going Beyond Training to an Integrated Educational Experience – 2022

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This session will cover how the Veterans Health Administration took an in-depth, integrated approach to providing risk management education. Risk University goes beyond “how-to” and emphasizes the “why” of effective risk management. VHA risk professionals will discuss how the course was developed, the unique cohort approach to the course and the heavy emphasis on culture change. A key feature of Risk University is that each cohort consists of two tracks: extensive education in risk fundamentals for risk professionals and risk owners, and a management track offering high-level risk management education focusing on governance and oversight. The panelists will share how Risk University supports VHA efforts at implementing Integrated Risk Management and how it supports VHA’s response to the Government Accountability Office’s findings on the need for greater accountability and oversight. Panelists will also discuss how Risk University supports VHA’s High Reliability Organization objectives.

Developing and Implementing Risk Appetite – 2022

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Denise Leung, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)
Angela Patel, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Risk appetite is arguably one of the most powerful tools in the ERM toolbox…and also one of the most difficult to develop and implement. Organizations often do not take enough risk in pursuit of their strategic objectives, ultimately creating an over-controlled environment and inefficient use of resources. Risk appetite empowers organizations and individuals to make decisions in alignment with the amount of risk taking an organization is willing to take in pursuit of its strategic objectives, and helps ensure that enough risk is taken. During this session we will explore how both public and private sector organizations have developed and implemented risk appetite, including approaches used, benefits to those approaches, and what’s next on the horizon.

Leveraging Technology and Data Analysis to Implement Robust Risk Monitoring and Management – 2022

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Wes Hogan, HHS/ACF

Data analysis and supporting technology solutions have significant capabilities to assist with the maturity of an organization’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program, as well as support agency decision-making. Many agencies have leveraged the capabilities of technology and other data analysis tools to build robust risk monitoring and management processes in particular domains such as pandemic relief response, information technology and cybersecurity, and management of third-party service providers. This session discusses how agencies approached and implemented robust risk monitoring and management processes in support of the broader ERM agenda.

Opening Remarks and The Journey to Using ERM to Support Strategic Decisions – 2022

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Chris De Wolfe, MARS Global Risk Management
Hear how MARS has used ERM capabilities to enhance information used in decision-making. Chris will talk about challenges and opportunities to use ERM to facilitate conversations and provide information for decision-making.

When a Risk Transforms into a Crisis – 2022

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Judy Smith, Crisis Management Expert & Inspiration for ‘Scandal’
A discussion with Judy Smith, the inspiration behind ‘Scandal,’ to talk about crisis management and considerations for when a risk transforms into a crisis.

Updating Your Risk Appetite Statement as a Tool to Integrate Risk into Your Agency’s Agenda – 2022

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In an ever-changing world, the commitment to periodically reviewing and updating a Risk Appetite Statement is critical for maintaining its relevancy and alignment with organizational priorities. Having an up-to-date Risk Appetite Statement also ensures that an organization or agency’s ERM program is consistent with the current risk posture. This session will share firsthand insights from USAID’s recent experience updating its Risk Appetite Statement, strengthening the previous version by expanding upon key Agency priorities and incorporating new and emerging risks.

ERM Insights from the 737 Max Airliner Crisis — An ERM Case Study – 2022

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Alice Miller, International Development Finance Corporation (Retired)

After nearly 350 people were killed in two crashes, the Boeing 737 Max jets were grounded worldwide for 8 months, beginning in March 2019. The subsequent action unfortunately only came about after great tragedy. Were there early warning signs within Boeing and the FAA that could have helped avoid the devastating result? How did culture play a factor in allowing risks to manifest into a full-blown crisis? These are just a few of the questions that this case study will explore as we examine the crisis through the lens of enterprise risk management and seek to identify some valuable insights that can be gained for CROs and ERM professionals.

Integrate ERM to Mission – 2022

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ERM requires an understanding of the company’s strategic goals and objectives to identify the risks that might derail their achievement. It is often hard to justify the time and expense of measuring something that is not easy to measure. Demonstrating or proving how a goal was met because something didn’t happen or wasn’t strongly experienced is a challenge. This session  discusses ways to present success stories and best practices for championing your ERM program to senior leadership as a part of the Agency’s overall strategy.

Departmental Front End Risk Assessment FERA Policy at HUD – 2022

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The HUD panel discusses the Department’s FERA policy. The FERA policy is a key tool used by HUD to buttress its risk responsibilities. This policy was developed to align with the authorities prescribed by OMB Circular A-123 , the GAO Green Book , Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA) , the Fraud Reduction and Data Analytics Act of 2015 , and the GAO Fraud Risk Framework . to identify, understand, prioritize, and treat programmatic risks with the potential of having the greatest level of adverse impact on a program’s ability to meet mission goals and objectives, operations, and reputation. More specifically, the FERA policy was created to facilitate the identification of risks associated with launching or substantially revising a HUD program. As such, this policy is aligned HUD’s ERM framework, which can be mapped back to the 17 principles of GAO’s Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government, including Principle 8, which specifically addresses fraud risks.

An FAA Experience: Integrating Evidence-Based Practices for Risk Informed Decision-Making – 2022

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A recent FAA initiative spanning 14 months, involved a change management effort to build a three-year organizational strategy while applying evidence-based management practices in alignment with the Federal Data Strategy and the Evidence Act. Increasing the rigor behind data collection and analysis cannot be left to the “research arm” of the organization. Risk data, risk information and risk knowledge are not synonymous concepts yet are often used as such. Informed executive decision-making means sorting through the evidence derived from the four primary sources to moderate strategic conversations and prioritize measurable activities. The result can be improved organizational outcomes in service to the American public. This presentation will cover the framework of the approach and those lessons learned offering value to federal colleagues and their ERM efforts. A White Paper is available, titled Improving Strategic Outcomes with Evidence-Based Management: An FAA Experience.