Driving Action on Emerging Risks – 2021

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Greg Robinson, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Moderator: James Fitzmaurice, Gartner

Emerging risks are uncertain, but often hard-hitting. Executives often conclude that a response must be complex and costly, tempting them to delay action until the threat and need are proven. Getting more precise information about emerging risks to drive action is futile, but there is hope. Panelists will explore how risk leaders can identify emerging risks that require action, plus low-cost, low-regret responses that do not rise to the level of full risk mitigation.

Embedding Risk into Strategic Decision Making – 2021

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Oliver Bevan, McKinsey
Preston Finley, Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Ophelia Usher, McKinsey
Moderator: Daniel Williams, McKinsey

Many organizations, both in the public and private sectors, have set up formal ERM programs with well-defined roles and responsibilities (e.g., establishing the risk framework, defining the risk taxonomy, generating and maintaining the risk register, facilitating risk reporting). However, many ERM programs find it challenging to demonstrate real value to their organizations and perform as an equal partner, both when strategic decisions are made and as they are followed through into implementation. The panelists will share their experiences on how leading institutions have ‘cracked’ the problem and engage the audience to share their perspectives, particularly focusing on what has worked well.

What it Means to be a Resilient Risk Leader – 2021

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Josh Vogel, GSA
Curtis McNeil, Architect of the Capitol
Jessica Southwell, Dept. of Labor
Moderator: Bobbi-Jo Pankaj, Grant Thornton Public Sector, LLC

Have you ever wondered why some ERM programs are more successful than others? We believe that being a resilient leader is key to having a successful ERM program. Join us for a discussion on key attributes of a resilient leader and strategies that risk leaders can use to launch and sustain their ERM programs. In addition, we will discuss the current environment we find ourselves in. VUCA is a phrase used in the military, but we believe our current environment can be described as volatility, uncertainty, change, and ambiguity (VUCA). Our risk leaders on the panel will discuss ways in which we can all use ERM to systemically address VUCA.

Lessons From the Long View — Taking, Holding, and Organizing the ERM Hill – 2021

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Natalie Houghtby-Haddon, The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (GW CEPL)
Nancy Potok, GW CEPL
Tom Stanton, Johns Hopkins University
Moderator: William Skaradek, USDA

Three experienced ERM practitioners will share lessons and provide illustrative stories about bringing ERM to federal agencies. The panelists will discuss what they have learned through their many years of experience assisting multiple federal agencies to build ERM into the way they do business.

Effective Risk Based Monitoring — Federal Grant Recipients and Federal Financial Reporting – 2021

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Cora Shepherd, National Endowment for the Humanities
Mary Jean (MJ) White, MJ White Consulting, Inc.
Moderator: Cynthia Dudzinski, U.S. Coast Guard

With the increase in funding resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as increased infrastructure appropriations, federal agencies are presented with more challenges than ever before to manage their increased grants portfolios while meeting their obligations under A-123. This interactive session will present participants with information designed to address risks presented by increases in funding by using data to develop risk-based monitoring plans, and how this fits into the ERM Framework.

Developing the Next Generation of Risk Managers – 2021

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Rassii Elliott, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Linda Esah, Department of Housing and Urban Development
Steve Vetter, Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Moderator: Emma Haas, CFPB

This session discusses strategies for recruiting and developing new risk managers in an everchanging federal landscape. The Office of Housing-Federal Housing Administration’s (Housing-FHA) Office of Risk Management and Regulatory Affairs (ORMRA) hosted an impactful four-month professional development rotation for a cohort of Office of Housing employees. The Compliance and Risk Officer from the Administrative Office of the US Courts will discuss some of the unique challenges in the Judiciary and how they are managed.

Risk Analysis and Tools to Identify and Address Emerging Risks – 2021

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Karin Dasuki, Dept. of Energy Office of Finance and Accounting
Alyssa Smiley, Dept. of Homeland Security Risk Management and Assurance Division
Jing Williams, HHS Office of Financial Systems Policy and Oversight (OFSPO)
Moderator: Alyssa Fusisi, Kearney & Company

The pandemic and the associated risks experienced by Federal agencies exposed vulnerabilities for future major global events to influence the future risk landscape.  Emerging risks could have a significant impact on an agency’s ability to effectively and efficiently meet their mission.  This session discusses how agencies have built sustainable risk analysis using different types of technology and tools to support the ongoing identification and analysis of emerging risks that could have a significant impact on an agency’s mission delivery.